Bookishly Boisterous 2.0 Has Arrived
Once upon a time I had a book blog called Bookishly Boisterous- she was around for quite a long time before I pulled the plug over a year ago. There were a variety of reasons: blogging was supposedly dead, I was going through a surprise (fine, fine, still am) incredibly Traumatic Life Event that made me reassess basically everything, my desire to post was inconsistent, and I was tired of the Blogger interface, but reluctant to learn a new way of doing things at the time. So, I quit. I try not to quit anything, really, but I also don’t like half-assing things, which I was. That’s something in life I’m trying to approach differently, this idea of termination. Sometimes things stop working and we have to change our routes. A course correction, have you. So, little did I know that while I was quitting a blog I’d be eventually gaining a Substack. Door closed, window opened.
In the last several months I find myself missing writing longer form commentary. Sure, Instagram (@bookishlyboisterous) is fun, but no one wants to read anything longer than a few sentences and I’m a wordy woman. In fact, speaking of excessive words, I’ve been flirting with a larger project (this sounds far less daunting than saying I’ve started the super early stages of writing a novel), so I need to once again warm up my writing chops. And if I do decide to pursue something substantial, it might be nice to chronicle my efforts along the way.
So, here we are, an extension of my old blog, but also more. I felt a little pigeonholed by claiming to be a book blogger before and always hesitated when I wanted to post on parenting, travel, or whatever else struck my fancy. I am super unfamiliar with Substack, so expect changes along the way as I take time to learn. I’m not going to set myself up to fail with a promised post schedule (I really felt that in order to be a good blogger before that I needed to post something like three times a week, despite it being simply a hobby and not a monetary endeavor). There will be typos (I understand the irony, given my profession as an English teacher, but I am also a busy person who doesn’t have time to read each post seventeen times), there will be rambling, there will be essays on things no one cares about but me. There will be second-guessing (Why do people feel the need to start these sorts of things? Who wants to read about my life? Who cares about I think?). There will be tentative links posted on my social media (“I’m writing this newsletter thing and don’t feel like you have to subscribe because I know you’re all so busy, but if you are interested, here’s the link, but don’t feel like you have to!) and there will be excessive parenthesis use (as if you couldn’t tell… I just really like them).
Welcome. I’m glad you’re here. Just don’t ask me about what my book is about yet.
(Also, please ignore any requests from Substack that you give me money. They sneak in things like that sometimes and I really have no intention on making anything off of this because then, as a ruler follower, I’d have to claim it on my taxes and will then have to pay my tax lady even more money for filing an additional tax form. If you like the content, share the link!).